I’m sure every business owner remembers reading dozens if not hundreds of books in school growing up. Maybe you’ve always been a reader and still always have a book you’re working on. Or you could be someone that can’t stand reading or says you don’t have the time to read with your schedule. Regardless of where you fall on the reading spectrum there is a lot to be gleaned from the right books. That is why today we’re looking at the top 5 books I’d recommend every business owner read.
Read MoreWe live in a digital age. People are constantly bombarded by ads, pictures, videos, emails and more all vying for their attention. When it comes to running your business, whether you’re a film company or not it can sometimes seem overwhelming trying to stay creative with your content while not letting the responsibility of posting wear you out. So today we are going to look at how you can be more time efficient and effective with your online marketing.
Read MoreYou’re excited. As a business owner you are preparing to produce a video to promote your business, event or product. You’ll finally be on the same level with your competition and it’s for sure to drive in more business, right? Yes and no, like everything else in business the more you understand and have thought through the more successful and impactful you can be.
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